Foundation Trusts are:
- Part of the NHS and subject to NHS standards, performance ratings and inspections. They must also work in partnership with other NHS organisations and co-operate with local partners
- Accountable to NHS England and the CQC (Care Quality Commission), who oversee and monitor them against their terms of their licence and have powers to intervene.
What are the benefits?
As an NHS Foundation Trust we have:
- Greater freedom to determine our own future
- More flexibility to tailor services to the particular needs of the communities we serve
- New powers to enter into legal and financial agreements with partner healthcare organisations, enabling us to work more effectively together
- Some financial freedoms, allowing us to invest surplus funds where they are most needed to improve the care we provide
Under the terms of its Constitution, West Midlands Ambulance Service University NHS Foundation Trust has a Governance structure consisting of:
- The Membership
- A Council of Governors
- A Board of Directors
The following diagram clarifies the governance structure of a Foundation Trust showing the lines of delegation and accountability.
The Membership
Anyone over the age of 16 and living in the area served by the Trust can become a member of the Foundation Trust. Our employees (subject to certain conditions) are automatically members of the Foundation Trust unless they choose to opt out. It is free to join and how involved the member wishes to become is a matter for the individual.
The membership are entitled to take part in elections, voting for their representatives on the Council of Governors and indeed members may wish to seek election by the membership to the Council of Governors. The membership are also entitled to attend the Annual Meeting and receive the Annual Report and Accounts of the Foundation Trust from the Board of Directors and, if required, any amendments to the Constitution that affect the Council of Governors as proposed by the Board of Directors.
If you are interested in becoming a Member, please complete our online Membership Form.
The Council of Governors
Local people and staff can become members of the Trust and elect representatives to serve on the Council of Governors or even stand for election as a governor themselves.
The Council of Governors consists of 17 Governors; 10 publicly elected governors, five staff governors elected by the Trust’s staff. The Council of Governors also has two appointed governors representing community first responders and other partner organisations whom the Board of Directors feel can contribute to the forward plan of the Foundation Trust.
A principal role of the Governors is to appoint the Non-Executive Chair and up to six further Non-Executive Directors. The Council of Governors then has the collective duty of holding the Non-Executive Directors accountable for the performance of the Board of Directors in delivering against its forward plan.
Further details can be found within our Council of Governors pages.
The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is collectively and corporately accountable for organisational performance of the Trust; in particular the strategic direction of the Trust, the quality and safety of patient care, and achievement of its five-year rolling strategic plan.
More information can be found on the Board of Directors pages.
Contact Us
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01384 246411
(Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm) Interested in becoming a Member? Complete our online Membership Form