Delivering the right patient care, in the right place, at the right time, through a skilled and committed workforce, in partnership with local health economies
Our vision places the patient at the centre of everything we do and provides a focus through which we deliver safe, high quality patient care and treatment, underpinned by sound values and a commitment to collaborative working with staff, members, volunteers and stakeholders.
On 10th March 2023 the Trust’s organisational values were reviewed and refreshed by our staff, and a Culture Statement was added together with a behavioural framework for everyone, including our leaders.
A high performing organisation with professional, engaged, empowered and valued staff who learn from each other to be the best we can be together, in order to deliver the highest standards of care for our patients and service users. We use cutting edge technology and innovative thinking based on the best evidence available.
We will all do the right thing for our staff, volunteers, students, our patients and service users, the organisation and the system with candour.
We believe that showing genuine concern about the needs of others through our actions fosters appreciation and tolerance, leading to a sense of safety in the workplace.
We treat everyone with dignity, respect, fairness and integrity, valuing difference.
We are committed to upholding our values and behaviours and holding others to account for them.