Prof. I Cumming – Non-Executive Director (Chairman) and voting member
Mr AC Marsh – Chief Executive Officer and voting member
Prof. A. Hopkins – Non-Executive Director (Deputy Chair) and voting member
Ms S Banks – Non-Executive Director and voting member
Ms C Beechey – Director of People and voting member
Mrs C Eyre – Director of Nursing and voting member
Mr M Fessal – Non-Executive Director and voting member
Mr N Henry – Paramedic Practice and Patient Safety Director
Mr N Hudson – Performance and Improvement Director and voting member
Mrs J Jasper – Non-Executive Director and voting member
Mr M Khan – Non-Executive Director and voting member
Mr V Khashu – Strategy and Engagement Director
Mrs N Kooner – Non-Executive Director and voting member
Mr M MacGregor – Communications Director
Ms K Rutter – Director of Finance and voting member
Dr A. Walker – Medical Director and voting member
Ms D Scott – Interim Organisational Assurance Director
Mr P. Higgins – Governance Director and Trust Secretary
Ms K Freeman – Private Secretary, Office of the Chief Executive
Ms R Farrington – Staff Side Representative
Mrs E Cox – Lead Governor
Mr A Bradley – Governor
Mrs A Bandhan – Senior Operations Manager
Mr P Rogers – Journalist
07/24/01 – Welcome, Apologies and Chairman’s Matters
There were no apologies for absence.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and made the following announcements:
The appointments process for the pending Non-Executive Director (NED) vacancy was progressed through the Council of Governors and the Chairman updated the Board on progress and key dates within the process. The Board was advised that the focus of the recruitment consultants supporting the Trust in this matter was on financial resilience and challenge at Board meetings and its committees. This meant that the successful candidate was likely to be someone with a strong financial background and experience.
Professor Aleandra Hopkins has taken on the role of Senior Independent Director (SID) and Deputy Chair and as such it is considered good practice to no longer undertake the Freedom to Speak Up (FTSU) Non- Executive Lead role. Suzanne Banks has therefore agreed to take on the role of FTSU Non-Executive Lead with immediate effect.
The Chairman indicated that he will review the Committee membership in the light of Suzanne Banks joining the Board and that this will be submitted to Board in due course, although he was mindful of the recruitment process for a new NED.
The Chairman referred to the arrangements for that day including the Annual Meeting of the Membership and invited directors to attend along with Governors.
That Suzanne Banks be appointed to the role of FTSU Non Executive Lead from 1 September 2024 and that that the thanks of the Board be conveyed to Professor Alex Hopkins who has previously undertaken the role.
07/24/02 – Declarations of Interest
There were no conflicts of interest declared by anyone attending the meeting in relation to any matters on the agenda.
The Register of Directors Interests was submitted.
The Board was requested to note that the Register of Directors Interests had now been published following review at the last Board meeting. The Chairman indicated that it is the responsibility of directors to keep their entries concurrent and accurate. To assist, and at the request of the Audit Committee, an explanatory note drafted by the Governance Director and Trust Secretary was also submitted and attached to the Register. The note provided simple guidance on what normally constitutes direct and indirect conflicts of Interest. The purpose of the note was to assist directors in making their declarations.
The register would be published subject to any amendments by Directors.
That the Register of directors’ interests be received and that it be published subject to any comments from members of the Board.
07/24/03 – Questions from the Public
There were no questions submitted.
07/24/04 – Board Minutes
To agree the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors held on 29 May 2024. The Trust Secretary advised the Board that the questions and answers submitted to the last meeting of the Board of Directors were attached and incorporated into the minutes.
That the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors held 29 May 2024 be approved as a correct record.
07/24/05 – Board Minute Log
The Board Log that contains the schedule of matters upon which the Board have asked for further action or information to be submitted. Matters on this log can only be deleted through resolution of the Board. (For the avoidance of doubt unless specified below all matters contained on the Board log will remain on the log until the Board resolves that the matter can be discharged).
Action 01/24/01 – Patient / Staff Story. The Head of Clinical Practice for Mental Health will continue to work with the Security & Safety Manager to improve training for staff in dealing with mental health issues. On this basis as the matter was being addressed within the Trust the Board
agreed that this item could now be discharged from the Action Log. (Discharged)
01/24/06 – Capacity Review
The Strategy & Engagement Director was to link in with Integrated Care Board (ICB) who would lead on the procurement of a firm by scoping the review and indicative timeframes in partnership with the ICBs in the region.
The Strategy & Engagement Director indicated that the lead ICB wants a uniform response from all ICBs in the region and therefore discussions are ongoing and that it remains on the action log. (Vivek Khashu)
Action 03/24/10 – Executive Scorecard & ICS Scorecard relating to Performance for the Month of February 2024. (Discharged)
The Chairman had asked how this Trust compares with other Ambulance Services on clinical quality safety measures – Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC) at hospital etc. for example we can see how we are measuring in terms of performance, but how do we compare with another Trust’s. The Medical Director had indicated that comparison data would be helpful, and this could be something we may be able to do through NASMED to get a national comparison figure.
The Medical Director stated that this has been discussed at national peer group meetings for the purpose of establishing a peer group comparator for the National Ambulance Quality Indicators. There was now a draft comparator of Ambulance Clinical Quality Indicators which had been reviewed by the National Ambulance Clinical Quality Group. It is not in its final version but as a process the intention was to share it at Quality Governance Committee (QGC) for review prior to submission the Board of Directors. It will be through a linked Business Intelligence screen. The Medical Director indicated that the comparator has been reviewed and highlighted that the Trust’s position in relation to the stroke bundle, this Trust is second in the country in terms of Quality outcomes; and this was pleasing given the work that had been put into this area by the Trust.
The Chairman thanked the Medical Director for following up on this and said it is important that the Board focuses on quality outcomes for patients just as much as operational delivery. He indicated that he had reviewed the draft and was supportive of the contents and asked for it to be reviewed by Quality Governance Committee and then submitted to meetings of the Board of Directors. On this basis the Board agreed that this item could be discharged.
In conclusion the Medical Director paid tribute to the work undertaken by the Head of Clinical Audit in this matter.
Action 05/24/03 – Patient Experience.
As part of the patient story at the Board meeting May 2024, the patient said it would be helpful if they could have sent one compliment letter to the Trust and that it be passed on to all the different organisations involved in his successful treatment. The Chairman asked the Director of Nursing to follow up on this with NHSE and the use of the NHS number to be able to share the compliment with other organisations. (Discharged)
The Medical Director explained that the Director of Nursing has spoken to the Patient Experience lead at NHSE and there is currently no process in place for passing on a compliment to different NHS organisations who cared for the same patient. The Medical Director said in her other role indicated that there was a process of sharing such information facilitated by the ICB and at the request of the Chairman offered look into this matter.
Given that the matter was being taken up by the Medical Director this was no longer a Board level matter and on this basis the Board agreed that this item could be discharged.
Action 05/24/04 – Questions from the Public.
As previously reported both the questions and the responses received at the previous Board Meeting were attached and incorporated into these minutes. On this basis the Board agreed that this item could be discharged. (Discharged)
05/24/07 c) Board Assurance Framework (BAF)
It had been agreed that the Risk Appetite relating to Innovation should be further reviewed and discussed further at a Board Briefing in June 2024. The Board was advised that given that the June Board Briefing Agenda was full due to the Board receiving its annual Safeguarding training, this item has now been scheduled for September Board Briefing.
This item would be kept on the Action Log.
Action 05/24/11c – CQC Regulation 12 Notice – Performance Improvement Action Plan. (Discharged)
It was reported that:
- The overarching action plan was sent to the Strategy & Engagement Director to send onto the CQC as requested.
- The updated action plan was presented later the agenda for this meeting.
- The Clinical Strategy has been added to the forward planner for the Board meeting in October 2024.
On this basis of the above the Board agreed that these items could be discharged from the Action Log.
07/24/06 – Board Assurance Framework (BAF)
The Board Assurance Framework was submitted.
The Director of Nursing gave an update and informed the Board that the BAF has been reviewed last week so these updates were not included in this version of the BAF.
The following points were noted:
- Positive impact of actions on Cat 2 performance, Hear and Treat, stabilisation of sickness and increased overtime allocation – all of this despite hospital handover delays worsening with 75,000 lost hours.
- Staff survey national and local actions plan progress, with a continued focus on sexual safety with national lead presenting to Board in September 2024, as well as a focus on the FTSU action plan.
- Financial risks continue with reduced support in 2024/25 plans for Cat 2 improvements, as well as recurring 4% CIP. The Trust continues to support the Black Country ICB in addressing the deficit plan, in addition supporting the NHSE investigation and intervention process and the impact on WMAS. Concerns over the long-term sustainability of tolerating financial risk and the impact on performance if these risks continue.
- Engagement with system partners as part of the PSIRF implementation is continuing. Several collaborative partnership workstreams are in place to review patient safety priorities, with a focus on understanding the wider healthcare system impact.
- Innovation remains a low risk, but a priority nonetheless. Previous Board discussion has highlighted a need to greater understand what can be tolerated in this area e.g., cost v benefit in terms of greater innovation. The Trust has good track record on innovation such as vehicle and work with partners regarding reducing response times to patients.
- There has been discussion at various committees on whether Cyber risk should be included within the BAF and although the belief is that it should not; there have been a number of actions that have been identified to provide further mitigation and assurance.
- No risks have been increased during this review of the BAF.
The Chairman indicated that it was heartening to see that the Trust’s category 2 responses had improved which was good news for our patients. The Chairman also asked the Board to note that any continuing trend in improvement will filter through to the Risk Register in terms rating.
- That the report be received and noted.
- That approval be given to the Board Assurance Framework submitted.
07/24/07 – Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Update
A report of the Chief Executive Officer was submitted.
The CEO outlined the salient items from the report.
The Board was informed that there have been several recent requests from a number of Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) to be provided with full access to the WMAS Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system, as their belief is that they will be able to triage relevant patients into alternative pathway. This request has come on the back of the NHS England UEC team visit to Hereford and Worcester single point of access; they asserted it was best practice. WMAS staff will access CAD periodically and view sensitive cases, which can also include counter terrorism and other sensitive information. This already poses a level of risk, however, giving external partners full access would increase this risk even more significantly. The Trust risk assessment has resulted in not granting full access to any partner external to WMAS. The Trust Executive Medical Director has confirmed that there are no requirements within any other part of the NHS for data to be shared in this manner with external agencies, and as per General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements, personal data should be protected. The Board of Directors unanimously concurred with the findings of the risk assessment and not grant full access as requested. The Board was made aware of its duties under its NHSE license to comply with ICBs, but following a review and undertaking a risk assessment it is considered not appropriate to comply with the request at this time.
The WMAS Adverse Weather Plan has been shared with Black Country ICB and NHSE Midlands colleagues for review and comment prior to final draft, ensuring a collaborative approach to planning. The updated Mutual Aid Plan was approved at the EMB meeting on 25 June 2024.
- That the report be received and noted.
- That for the reasons set out in the report submitted, the decision to not grant full CAD access to any externa partner be endorsed.
- That EMB have approved the Adverse Weather Plan for review and comment by NHSE, and that it has approved the Mutual Aid Plan be noted.
07/24/08 – Executive Scorecard and ICS Scorecard relating to Performance for the Month of June 2024
The Executive Scorecard of KPIs for the month of June 2024 was submitted. The key indicators and trends were set out for review by the Board. The indicators covered operational performance, finance, workforce, and high-level clinical indicators. The scorecard was submitted in addition to the Trust Information Pack which contains Trust wide performance data and information and is circulated separately to the agenda.
That the Executive Scorecards be received and noted.
07/24/09 – Care Quality Commission (CQC) Review Update
9a – Overview & Update by the CEO
The CEO introduced the following two items and reminded the Board that following receipt of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) report the Trust immediately drew up action plans to address the findings of the CQC and these were approved by the Board at its meeting in March 2024. There are two action plans which consisted of an overarching action arising from the report and a second action plan to specifically address the performance improvement required to address the CQC Regulation 12 Notice. The action plans have been regularly reviewed by the Board at its meetings. In terms of the overarching action plan there had been one matter outstanding and this was a review and approval of the of the Clinical Strategy. The revised Clinical Strategy for 2023 – 2028 was approved at the last meeting of the Board and on that basis both action plans were submitted to the Board to agree that all actions were being progressed or complete.
In relation to the CQC Regulation 12 Notice – Performance Improvement Action Plan the CEO described it as comprehensive and the actions are very nearly complete. The CEO indicated that due to the difficult decisions that had been taken by the Trust and Board in the interests of patient car, and also given the Board’s decision to remain fully compliant with the CQC notice, the Trust had significantly improved performance because of actions taken in the Trust’s Cat 2 response performance. Last year (across the year) it was 36 minutes, this year to date it was now less than 27 minutes. There were further actions being taken to improve and as part of this the CEO pointed out that the new staff recruited that are undertaking their training will be operational for the winter, and circa 200 graduate paramedics will start with the Trust between now and the end of the year to bolster numbers. This also means that they will be operational by the winter when demand is usually at its greatest. In addition the Trust was continuing to “bank” performance prior to the winter demands.
The CEO then asked the Interim Organisational Assurance Director to present the over arching Action Plan, and indicated that the Director of Performance and Improvement would present the Regulation 12 Notice – Performance Improvement Action Plan
9b – CQC Action Plan in response to the Planned Visit between 3-5 October 2023
A report of the Interim Organisational Assurance Director was submitted.
The Interim Organisational Assurance Director informed the Board that the action plan is attached at Appendix 1. All actions are green and indicated that the second part of the action plan starts on page 17 not 19 as reported. Given the actions were now complete the Trust was seeking approval to now close the Action Plan.
a) That the completed action plan (Final) at appendix 1 to the report submitted showing the areas of improvement and learning raised by the Care Quality Commission from the two inspections in 2023 be received and noted.
b) That the final action plan from the planned visit 3 to 5 October 2023 was presented to the Board of Directors meeting in May 2024 which showed the outstanding action of ‘The trust should consider re-evaluating the clinical strategy in order to show how the objectives around patient safety and clinical excellence will be achieved.’ This action was completed at that meeting and that approval be given to close the action plan.
c) That the action plan resulting from the unannounced inspection in 15 to 17 August 2023, shown from page 17 onwards is compete and closed and was included for information and transparency
only be noted.
9c – CQC Regulation 12 Notice – Performance Improvement Action Plan
A report of the Director of Performance & Improvement was submitted. The Director of Performance & Improvement advised the Board that there was an error in paragraph 3.1 of the report. It should read that there has been an increase frontline operational DCA of 65,000 hours and not 26,000 hours as contained in the report.
In terms of the Action Plan it was indicated that all actions were complete and in terms of reassurance the Board was advised that the action plan was reviewed line by line at the Performance Committee meeting on 30 July 2024. The Director of Performance & Improvement emphasized that even though good progress had been made there was no complacency and highlighted the chart at paragraph 2.2 of the report that showed to do but advised the Board that showed mean performance in category 2 was continuing to improve. The Hospital delays in the first quarter of 2024 have increased significantly compared to the first quarter in 2023. It was highlighted that the summer months are normally the more manageable months when it comes to ambulance emergency activity, and so the overall impact on emergency operations is less.
The total lost hours for last year were 255,000 hours. This helped to inform the recruitment plan for 2024/25.
The current trends suggest that the lost hours in ambulance handover delays for 24/25 could exceed 285,000 hours with the winter months likely to be unprecedented in terms of the scale of operational challenge during the winter months.
Mr Khan, Chair of the Finance & Performance Committee confirmed that the Finance & Performance Committee had reviewed the contents of the Action Plan in detail and indicated that it was reassuring to see that the decision the Trust took regarding investment for Cat 2 is now showing positive results and enabling safe clinical outcomes for our patients. Mr Khan indicated that the decision taken by the Board in supporting the CEO proposals in the interests of our patients was vindicated the decision made by the Board in support of the CEO. Mr Khan said it was impressive to see how the leadership and staff of this organisation had pulled together to address the challenges it faced but indicated that there was still work to do given that the objective is still to achieve 18 minutes turnaround time for category 2 responses. Mr Khan thanked the Director of Performance & Improvement, the Executive Management Team and CEO for their oversight and Leadership on this matter. Mrs Kooner supported Mr Khan’s comments and said it was good to see all the work done in this regard.
That the reports submitted be received and noted.
07/24/10 – Operational Planning Update
A report of the Director of Performance & Improvement was submitted.
That the report and the contents of the Operational Planning submission be received and noted.
07/24/11 – Fit and Proper Persons Annual Assurance – 2024/25
The Chairman presented the report that had been reviewed at the Board Briefing in June 2024 to enable submission to the NHSE within the published timescales.
The Board of Directors were requested to note the content of this paper and record that the annual Fit and Proper Persons Test (2024/25) had been conducted in compliance with published guidance and all Board Members satisfy the requirements. As per the regulations, the Chair has reviewed all the checks for each post holder and in relation to the Chairman these have been reviewed by the Senior Independent Director, Professor Alex Hopkins.
In addition for reassurance to the Board it was reported that regional director had signed and returned the submission.
Professor Hopkins as Senior Independent Director advised the Board that the Trust is in a process with the CQC regarding its Fit and Proper Persons Assurance. The Trust was contacted in November 2023 by the CQC that they had received a complaint in relation to the Trust’s application of the Fit & Proper Persons Regulations. Professor Hopkins advised the Board that she, on behalf of the Trust had engaged with the CQC on this matter. Professor Hopkins indicated that the Trust has provided all the information requested by the CQC and was awaiting the outcome. For the avoidance of doubt the Trust is satisfied that the FPPR is being applied correctly. It was indicated that as soon as we have a response Professor Hopkins will provide a further update to the Board.
In addition, the Board of Directors was requested to note that the outcome of the Chairs appraisal was also submitted on 6th June 2024 to the NHSE Regional Office as required under the new chair’s appraisal and Fit and Proper Persons Test (FPPT) framework guidance.
a) That the report and submission form be received and noted.
b) That the annual Fit and Proper Persons Test (2024/25) has been conducted and all Board members satisfy the requirements be noted.
c) That the report of the Senior Independent Director updating the Board on the process being pursued by the CQC regarding the Trust’s application of the Fit and Proper Persons Assurance
following be noted.
d) That the action taken at the Board Briefing meeting in June 2024 after reviewing the contents of the Fit & Proper Persons Register to authorise the Director of People to make the submission to regional NHSE by the deadline of 24 June 2024 be confirmed.
e) That the Chairs appraisal was submitted on 6th June 2024 to the NHSE Regional Office as required under the new chair’s appraisal and FPPT framework guidance.
07/24/12 – Reports of the Director of Finance
12a – Finance Update
A report of the Director of Finance was submitted.
The Director of Finance highlighted the Trust’s current financial position. The details of the financial position were set out in the Trust Information Pack which was an annex to the agenda papers for this meeting. It was stated that the budget was predicated on the identification of CIPs that can be delivered. Meetings with all senior budget holders are taking place over the following quarter to identify the CiP delivery required and ensure that this is realised by the end of the financial year.
The Chairman asked what percentage of the CIPs are recurrent. The Director of Finance said one third of what has been identified to date is non-recurrent which poses a risk in future years and this will need to be addressed as part of the discussions with budget holders. Mrs. Kooner then sought reassurance that when the Quality Impact Assessments are completed for the CIP programme, that Equality Impact Assessments are also completed for the CIPs. The Director of Finance confirmed that this would happen.
That the Financial Update report of the Director of Finance be received and noted.
12b – Data Security & Protection Toolkit (DSPT)
A report of the Director of Finance was submitted.
The Director of Finance gave an update and informed the Board that the DSPT is an annual assessment undertaken to ensure that the Trust meets the required data security standards. An initial on-line self-assessment was made, which was reported to the Board in March. Following which an external review was undertaken by KPMG, the internal auditors, and the submission and associated evidence was submitted on 30 June 2024.
All the standards have been met and certification has been received.
a) That the report be received and noted.
b) That the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) baseline assessment has been submitted by the deadline of 30 June 2024 be noted.
07/24/13 – Combined Clinical Directors Quality Report
A combined Clinical Director report was submitted.
The report highlighted the following specific areas:
• Patient handover delays have continued with hours being lost to operational activity resulting in patient harm and the impact of these delays resulting in long patient waiting times also causes
harm, including deaths.
• Due to the increasing number of hours lost with delayed handover times this resulted in a formal review of the risk assessment for hospital handover delays, which resulted in the Trust risk being at its highest score possible at 25.
• The Trust at the end of June have 1 Serious Incident still open and is not out of time.
• Clinical audits continue to receive increased focus due to the 10 of the 19 audits being rated ‘Insufficient’.
After reviewing the content of the report, the Chairman asked what was required to improve the clinical audit scores. The Paramedic Practice and Patient Safety Director said we need a quicker turn round on these audits. There were also changes to the electronic patient records system to assist operational and clinical staff in accurately recording clinical data and information, which should improve the compliance, and therefore scores of the clinical audit assessment standards. In addition there is more information going out to staff through media streams such as the Clinical Times and Weekly Briefing articles and the CPD portals. Mrs Banks, Chair of the Quality Governance Committee (QGC) indicated as part of giving assurance to the Board that the clinical audit turn around and reasons for the scoring was discussed in detail at the QGC and they are looking at the short term and long term solutions. Mohammed Fessal pointed out that it was also agreed that it was important to link the learning to the CPD portal and personal development.
That report be received and noted.
07/24/14 – Service Delivery Report
A report of the Director of Performance & Improvement was submitted.
Mrs. Banks asked about the 25 missed Patient Transport Service (PTS) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and if the Trust have a planned trajectory to recover the missed KPIs. The Director of Performance & Improvement explained that this was discussed in detail at the Finance & Performance Committee meeting held on the previous day and confirmed that there is a plan in place.
Mrs Banks referred to the support to South Central Ambulance Service ceasing on 12 July 2024, and whether this will lead to an increase in calls coming through via the national platform. It was stated that the diversion of calls from other Trusts will only occur if there is spare capacity at this Trust. If there is no spare capacity then the call does not get diverted so it will not lead to any increase in call taking as a result.
Mr. Khan, Chair of the Finance & Performance Committee confirmed that PTS performance against KPIs had been reviewed in detail at the meeting of the Committee held the previous day and as a result a risks were identified related to the correlation of performance and staffing numbers. This it was considered does need a strategic review as there was a clear risk to meeting PTS performance standards.
That the report from the Director of Performance & Improvement be received and noted.
07/24/15 – Board Committee Reports & Minutes
15a – Audit Committee
The following were submitted:
• Reports of the Chair of the Audit Committee on the meetings of the Committee held on 4 &17 June and 16 July 2024.
• The Annual Report of the Audit Committee prior to submission to the Council of Governors.
• The Annual Report and Accounts approved by the Audit Committee under delegated authority from the Board of Directors
• The Minutes of the Audit Committee meetings held on 4th and 17th June 2024 were submitted.
Mrs Jasper reported that at the meeting of the Audit Committee on 17 June 2024 the CEO presented the Annual Governance Statement to the Committee. Approval of the Annual Report and Accounts had been previously delegated by the Board to the Audit Committee, and these were approved. The approved Annual Report and Accounts were included in the papers today to confirm the action taken pending submission to the Annual Meeting of the Membership that afternoon.
Mrs Jasper indicated that the Trust’s auditors Bishop Fleming had requested an additional fee of £5,000 for what they classified as additional unplanned work. This was being presented to the Council of Governors for noting and ratification.
The Audit Committee had reviewed the amendments to the previously approved Policy and Procedure to Deal with Conflicts of Interest that were requested by staff side relating to secondary employment. The amendments requested had been reviewed by Audit Committee and the document approved with the additions. The Board was therefore requested to approve the Policy and Procedures.
The Board letter of representation had also been approved.
In addition the Internal Audit Plan for 2024/25 was approved.
a) That the Chair’s report on the meetings held on 4&17 June and 16 July 2024 be received and noted.
b) That the Annual Report of the Audit Committee be received and noted.
c) That the Annual Report and Accounts as approved by the Audit Committee under delegated authority from the Board of Directors be received.
d) That the Minutes of the Audit Committee meetings held on 4 and 17 June 2024 be received.
e) That approval be given to the variation to the Policy and Procedure to Deal with Conflicts of Interest as that had been requested by staff side relating to secondary employment and that the policy be published.
At this point Mr Khan left the meeting.
15b – Finance & Performance Committee
In the absence of the Chairman of the Committee this item was carried over to the next meeting.
15c – Quality Governance Committee (QGC)
A report of the Chair of the Quality Governance Committee was submitted. The approved Minutes of the meeting of the QGC held on 22 May 2024 were also submitted.
a) That the report of the Chair on the meeting held on 24 July 2024 be received and noted.
b) That the Minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2024 be received and noted.
07/24/16 – Board of Directors Schedule of Business
The Schedule of Business was submitted.
That the Board Schedule of Business be received and noted.
07/24/17 – Any Other Business
There was no other business.
07/24/18 – The Date of the Next Meeting
Wednesday 30 October 2024
07/24/19 – Review of the Meeting & Identify any new or Increased Risks from the Meeting
The Chairman asked Board Members to feedback any comments to him or the Trust Secretary.
There being no other business for this meeting the Chairman brought proceedings to a close and thanked members for their attendance.