- Prof. I Cumming – Non-Executive Director (Chairman) and voting member
- Mr AC Marsh – Chief Executive Officer and voting member
- Prof. A. Hopkins – Non-Executive Director (Deputy Chair) and voting member
- Ms S Banks – Non-Executive Director and voting member
- Ms C Beechey – Director of People and voting member
- Mr M Fessal – Non-Executive Director and voting member
- Mr N Henry – Paramedic Practice and Patient Safety Director
- Mr N Hudson – Performance and Improvement Director and voting member
- Mrs J Jasper – Non-Executive Director and voting member
- Mr M Khan – Non-Executive Director and voting member
- Mr V Khashu – Strategy and Engagement Director
- Mr S Nat – Non-Executive Director and voting member
- Mr M MacGregor – Communications Director
- Ms K Rutter – Director of Finance and voting member
- Dr R. Steyn Medical Director and voting member
- Mr A Brown – CEO Chief of Staff and Head of Enhanced Care
- Mr P. Higgins – Governance Director and Trust Secretary
- Ms K Freeman – Private Secretary, Office of the Chief Executive
- Mr M Foster – Staff Side Representative
- Ms S Bhambra – HR Manager
- Mr I Syme
- Mr A Bolus – Lichfield OM / Student Support Officer
- Mr R A Gutierrez – Student Network Chair
Welcome, Apologies and Chairman’s Matters
Apologies for absence received from Ms Scott, Mrs Eyre and Mrs Farrington.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting in particular Mr Nat and Dr Steyn as this is their first Board Meeting. Dr Walker and Mrs Kooner have left the Trust, and their presentation has been deferred until the New Year.
Declarations of Interest
There were no conflicts of interest declared by anyone attending the meeting in relation to any matters on the agenda.
Questions from the Public
The Chairman explained that a question was received from a member of the public. A copy of the question had already been circulated to all Board Members.
The Strategy & Engagement Director gave an overview of the question received and the probable response. The Chairman confirmed that a full response will be sent to the member of the public and the question and response will be attached to the minutes for the purpose of transparency. The Strategy & Engagement Director thanked the member of the public for raising the question.
That a full response will be sent to the Member of the Public.
That the question and response will be attached to the minutes for the next meeting.
Board Minutes
To agree the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors held on 30 October 2024.
That the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors held 30 October 2024 be approved as a correct record.
Board Minute Log
The Board Log that contains the schedule of matters upon which the Board have asked for further action or information to be submitted. Matters on this log can only be deleted through resolution of the Board. (For the avoidance of doubt unless specified below all matters contained on the Board log will remain on the log until the Board resolves that the matter can be discharged).
Action 01/24/06 – Capacity Review. The Strategy & Engagement Director explained that the draft specification for the review will be submitted to EMB and then shared with the Lead Commissioner who will be procuring the work. On this basis the Board agreed that this item could be discharged. (Discharged)
Action 10/24/17b – The Lord Darzi Report – this item was added to the Board Briefing Agenda in November 2024. On this basis the Board agreed that this item could be discharged. (Discharged)
Action 10/24/18d – Board Committee Reports & Minutes – The Communications Director has written to Committee Chairs for their views. Dates are being set up for further discussions between Committee Chairs and the Communications Director. On this basis the Board agreed that this item could be discharged.
To Receive an Update on the Work of the Student Network
The Director of People informed the Board that the student network is the trust’s most recently added network. There are 6 networks across the Trust now. Th Student Network is not exclusive to the A&E student workforce and is representative of the workforce. The Director of People pointed out that all Network Chairs undertake the role of Chair on a voluntary basis.
Mr Ashley Bolus gave an update and informed the Board that the Student Network was formed with a vision of bringing our students, learners, and apprentices together from across the region both externally & internally. The Student Network launched In December 2023 with Raul Anton Gutierrez and Hayden Emmett-Bird appointed as Co-chairs. The Student Network is within its infancy however over the last 6 months, with status for both chairs being year 3’s and completion of their qualification the network has not progressed forward. In October 2024, a decision was made to re-fresh the student network with a new vision to take the network forward for 2025. The aim of the student network is to create a safe environment for all students, learners, and apprentices internally & externally to share learning and experiences.
Mr Bolus explained that in 2025 the Network aims to recruit further members to the Student Network by increasing awareness & promoting the network within the weekly brief and by targeting University & Hub induction programmes for all new starters. All student support officers will have an active role within the network to deliver CPD events to all students, to engage with all students providing sessions tailored to support students across the organisation. Lead Student Support Officers will work closely with other networks & other areas such as recruitment to supply key information to students who are wishing to join the trust with the aim of ‘Train & Retain’. Two key sessions will be held in 2025 which will be piloted to the new students.
Mr Gutierrez informed the Board that roadshow events and drop-in sessions will be made available where student network representatives will attend and be on site to support students and staff with any concerns and help encourage staff to complete mentoring courses to help support all our students.
The Chairman thanked Mr Gutierrez for taking on the role of Chair of the Student Network and said that the Board would like to invite the Student Network to a Board Briefing session in 2025 and asked the Director of People to liaise with the Board Secretary.
Mr Fessal, Chair of the People Committee, said it is great in terms of what has been established and the work plan. It is good to see the framework concentrating on awareness etc. Ms Bhambra pointed out that the network is in its infancy and with the four geographical leads this will help strengthen its foundations and structure making it more sustainable. Mr Gutierrez commences employment in January 20254 and so is able to advise on his experiences as a new student coming into the organization which will help others starting their journey. Ms Bhambra pointed out that we also link in with Diane Pittom, the Apprenticeship & Widening Participation Officer in the Education and Training Department as the Network covers other apprentice roles as well. There is still work to do, but it is becoming more cohesive going forward. Mrs Jasper had met with Mr Bolus who is very enthusiastic about the Student Network.
The Chairman acknowledged that students get great support across the organisation most of the time due to the Student Support Officers, CTMs etc.
That the paper be received and noted.
Ms Bhambra, Mr Guitierrez and Mr Bolus left the meeting.
Reports of the Director of Finance
07a – Month 8 Financial Update
A report of the Director of Finance was submitted.
The Director of Finance gave an update and informed the Board that at Month 8 the Trust reported a surplus with a breakeven end of year forecast. This result has improved significantly from that reported in previous months following the inclusion of the £10M income agreed by NHSE in respect of the lost hours due to handover delays for the first half of the financial year.
CIP delivery is on track.
In relation to capital. An additional request as part of the Month 8 reporting was the system wide assurance statement by the Board that it was aware of the forecast delivery against the Capital programme, and are assured that there would be no significant movements between now and year end. The letter issued from NHSE and submitted to the meeting, details the assurance being sought in the delivery of capital plans. There was a declaration built into the Month 8 Provider financial reporting forms which was confirmed by the Director of Finance. Specific board approval is requested that the provider operational capital, IFRS 16, and total CDEL expenditure forecasts are accurate and robust.
Mr Nat asked if there was any contingency for unforeseen circumstances in terms of the Capital Plan built into our budget. The Director of Finance confirmed that we always build in some contingency. The Chairman asked if any additional capital funding could be utilized before the end of the financial year. The Director of Finance pointed out that we would not be time to deliver by the end of financial year at this stage. The Director of Finance informed the Board that Capital spend recorded to date is as planned and full spend of operational capital is expected throughout the year. The capital programme activities continue to be reviewed at the Trust’s Financial Investment Group to ensure that the capital allocation is fully utilised, all business cases have been approved through that route and that there is sufficient lead time when dealing with suppliers. There is no concern regarding the full and appropriate utilization of the operational capital allocation.
The Chairman said that subject to the funding being received from the ICBs a breakeven forecast given the current position relating to handover delays was quite remarkable and congratulated the CEO and Director of Finance executive colleagues on this performance.
a) That the paper be received and noted.
b) That the following statement be endorsed
“The Board formally approves the accuracy and robustness of the capital forecast as submitted including the charge against capital allocations, the impact of IFRS 16 and the total CDEL charge.
“The Board acknowledges that significant movements in the capital forecast between month 8 and the year end, where not previously agreed with NHSE, may be considered a governance issue.
“The Board also acknowledges NHSE will have regard to the track record of providers that have delivered a forecast position in line with their month 8 forecast when setting future year allocations and allocating system capital.”
07b – Estates Strategy Review
A report of the Operational Support Services Director was submitted.
The Director of Finance highlighted the salient points contained within the report. As an update in relation the Shrewsbury Hub which was listed as a priority scheme, the Strategy & Engagement Director informed the Board that he and the Operational Support Services Director met with the Councilors in Shewsbury, and they would be very supportive in helping us find a site in the Shrewsbury area. The Director of Finance explained that we would have to let a contract for feasibility reports to be undertaken and that requires NHSE approval first.
The Chairman pointed out that the paper is asking for the following:
- That the Trust puts in place suitable resource, revenue and structures to manage the development of the new Hub facility in Shrewsbury and ensure that either capital monies or lease coverage is in place to afford that investment ready for a 2027 opening / completion.
- In addition, that the draft plans are also developed for the proposals relating to the Worcester and Bromsgrove Hubs, alongside options for the Dudley Hub once the disposal progress is better known.
Whilst the Trust maybe unsure about the affordability of some of these projects under the new NHS funding arrangements, it will only bring about these projects for the future if suitable analysis of the options is undertaken and robust plans have been developed and drawn up including the outline costs. This requires investment in resources to complete this important work for the future and importantly will enable the Trust to grasp opportunities which may arise – be that funding or building development opportunities.
The Director of Finance and CEO will work through the requirements and then engage expert advice to develop a business case. A PMO managing the programme of work will need to be let with the contract. The Chairman noted the need to ensure any learning and issues previously raised with the development of the Sandwell Hub are embedded in the specification for the development. The CEO confirmed there were no current plans to close any Hubs. This is a replacement for Shrewsbury. We will retain Donnington and replace Shrewsbury.
a) That the paper be received and noted.
b) That the Trust puts in place suitable resource, revenue, and structures to manage the development of the new Hub facility in Shrewsbury and ensure that either capital monies or lease coverage is in place to afford that investment ready for a 2027 opening / completion.
c) In addition, that the draft plans are also developed for the proposals relating to the Worcester and Bromsgrove Hubs, alongside options for the Dudley Hub once the disposal progress is better known.
Combined Clinical Directors Quality Report
A report of the Clinical Directors was submitted.
The Paramedic Practice & Patient Safety Director gave an update and informed the Board that hospital handover delays remain the highest risk for the Trust at a score of 25.
November saw a further +40,000 hours lost at regional hospitals. These delays impact waiting patients in the community and stacking of calls, also at the highest risk score of 25. The delays in responding to patients that is caused by the above risks results in patient harm and long patient waiting times causing harm, which does unfortunately include deaths, increasing workloads to the Trusts Patient Safety and corporate services. Clinical audits continue to receive increased focus due to the 10 of the 19 audits being rated ‘Insufficient’.
PSIRF has seen 139 responses identified year to date and the Trust continues to work with staff, the ICB and system partners. Patient safety Serious Incidents timelines and recommendations are within timelines. There remains only 1 open SI, and this is paused as a police investigation. There are 24 Incident Reports that have breached 3 months’ timeframe, this is due to capacity within the team and there are plans to address this.
The CEO advised the Board that there would be additional PSIRF training at a future Board Briefing session.
That the paper be received and noted.
Service Delivery Report
A report of the Performance and Improvement Director was submitted.
The Performance & Improvement Director gave an update and informed the Board of the precarious position outlined in the report due to handover delays.
The Chairman stated that the delays outside the acutes meant that the Trust had no resources to respond in a timely fashion and that the priority risk were those patients the Trust couldn’t reach due entirely to handover delays. The Chairman on behalf of the Board thanked the Performance & Improvement Director and his team for the amazing job they were doing in very difficult circumstances. The Chairman asked in relation to 111 could we potentially see an increase in calls passed through to this Trust. The Performance & Improvement Director confirmed that Staffordshire and Birmingham & the Black Country have already seen a rise and the Trust is following up with the individual ICBs and 111.
That the paper be received and noted.
Board Committee Reports and Minutes
10a – Finance and Performance Committee
The minutes of the meeting held on 30 July 2024 was submitted.
That the minutes of the Finance and Performance Committee meeting held 30 July 2024 be received.
Board of Directors Schedule of Business
The Schedule of Business was submitted. The Governance Director / Trust Secretary noted the need to plan further ahead for Board Briefing sessions.
That the Board Schedule of Business be received and noted.
The Date of the Next Meeting
Wednesday 29 January 2025
The Chairman thanked everyone for their hard work and wished them all the best or Christmas and the New Year.
There being no other business for this meeting the Chairman brought proceedings to a close and thanked members for their attendance.